Thank you, readers, for all that you do to keep Eater New Orleans in the know. It’s with your help that this publication can stay on top of the exciting coming attractions, major restaurant openings, and stunning closures that happen all over the city. Here’s your reminder to keep it coming: You can reach out to us any time via Eater’s tip line, or send a note to [email protected].

Have you noticed a new restaurant underway in your neighborhood? Spotted a “We’re Closed” sign somewhere when it should be open? Have an opinion on the best hidden gems in town, or even a dining-related question? Eater wants to know. Your email address and name will be visible to us, but we will then do our own reporting for stories based on reader tips. Or, here’s how to securely send anonymous information to Eater.

Thanks again for reaching out with tips, thoughts, photos, and questions. We won’t be able to pursue everything — Eater New Orleans is a staff of one — but hearing from readers means the world to us. While you’re at it, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter/X, and subscribe to our newsletter below.

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