(SPOT.ph) A trip to South Korea is on a lot of Filipinos' bucket list. Imagine the chance to see your favorite idols or a tour of the different sights (and filming locations) all over the Korean Peninsula—ah, yes, it sounds like the perfect vacation. But before you start making your itineraries, make sure you've got a visa to enter. 

If you're planning a SoKor trip anytime soon, here's an FYI for you. The Korean Visa Application Center just released a new form you need to add to your application. Check out the details below. 

Also read:KVAC Now Accepts Mailed-In Korean Visa Forms NationwideSouth Korea Simplified Visa Requirements for 2024The SPOT.ph Guide to Applying for a Korean Visa

Here's what you need to add to your Korean Visa applications

Starting July 1, the Korea Visa Application Center now requires applications to include a Privacy Consent Form. Don't worry—you won't have to make your own letter or pick it up physically at the KVAC office; you can easily download it for free online. 

"This form ensures that your personal information is handled in accordance with privacy regulations and is used solely for visa processing purposes," says the Korea Visa Application Center in a memo released on its website. 

If you or someone close to you applied for a Korean Visa this June, you might already remember needing this form. This is because this program has been on a test run for the entire month of June. But starting July 1, it will be required in all applications. 

Some important points to remember about the new Privacy Consent Form requirement:

  • Only download the Privacy Consent form from the official Korea Visa Application Center website. This ensures you have the latest and correct copy of the form at all times. 
  • Ensure that all details provided are accurate and up-to-date. Fill out the form completely, making sure to indicate your full name as stated on your passport.
  • Don't forget to sign the form. This signature ensures your consent for information handling and processing. 
  • Include the Privacy Consent Form when you submit your visa requirements. Incomplete or unsigned forms may lead to delays or failure in visa processing.

For more information, visit Korea Visa Application Center- KVAC's Facebook page.

Also read:10 Under-the-Radar Destinations in South Korea Outside of Seoul10 Shopping Hotspots in Seoul You Have to Visit on Your Next Trip

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