It's recommended, and even mandatory in some countries, to leave at least 2 seconds between you and the vehicle in front. A Swiss lawyer didn't respect this safety measure. And the fine is huge.

To check your safety distance from the vehicle in front, there is the adaptive cruise control radar, but there are also crocodiles. To check the 2 seconds required, you can count them as "1 crocodile, 2 crocodiles". Clearly, a Swiss lawyer doesn't like reptiles. In March 2023, he was caught by Swiss police on the A1 at an insufficient safety distance, at 120km/h, with his BMW. Far from 70m, he was 8 to 12m from the vehicle in front of him, and over several kilometers over the speed limit. The penalty for "dangerous driving" has now been imposed.

More than 115,000 euros

In Switzerland, as in Norway and Finland, the amount of the fine is calculated based on the income of the driver in violation. Given his annual income of almost 2 million francs, his fine was expensive: 108,500 Swiss francs, or approximately 116,000 euros. However, part of the amount is suspended for 2 years. He will nevertheless have to pay 10,700 CHF to which  legal costs of 3,000 CHF are added. That is more than €14,000. If he's caught red-handed, or rather with his nose close enough to the bumper in front of him and within the next 24 months, the some €100,000 will be claimed. That's a lot for a crocodile.

(MH with Olivier Duquesne – Source: 7sur7.be – Picture: © BMW)

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