The residents of Malaga, Spain, have had enough of mass tourism driving up rents. They have found an original way to express their anger.

Out of anger when he heard that the house he had rented for 10 years was going to become a flat for tourists, Dani Romero started posting messages on social networks.

His protest soon turned into a movement, with Malaga residents beginning to put stickers saying "This was my house", "This is where a family lived" or "Go home" at tourist accommodations in the southern Spanish city.

"I didn't intend to start a revolution," Romero said. "I'm just looking for a house to live in."

A Spanish radio station described the initiative as "the sticker revolt", but Romero himself does not speak of a total aversion or rejection on his part towards tourism.

The stickers have already turned up in other Spanish cities, including Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.

(Fausto with MaSi/Source: RTVE, Le Figaro, Guardian/Foto: Pixabay)

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