Are you still going on vacation? Take precautions when you will travel to Southern Europe or the Mediterranean countries, because it has been exceptionally hot there for about five weeks and temperatures keep rising!

Today it is hot and sweaty in the south of Europe and by extension in all Mediterranean countries. A heat dome has been causing oppressively warm temperatures there for weeks. And the mercury will continue to rise there to smoothly toward or above 45 degrees Celsius in many places.

Especially Portugal, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Croatia, Morocco and Slovenia are currently experiencing a blisteringly hot summer. These regions are currently experiencing what is known as a heat dome. This is a very persistent area of high pressure. Under such a dome, air remains trapped. And because it cannot leave, the temperature there will rise in the coming days. This, of course, complicates daily life there, but also the danger of forest fires is acute. 

Starting this week, that heat dome over southern Europe will increase even more in strength. The mercury will exceed 40 or even 45 degrees Celsius in many places.

(FVDV for Tagtik/Illustration picture: Image by Graphix Made from Pixabay)

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