The summer vacations are in full swing and many parents and grandparents ask themselves: How do I keep the kids away from those smartphones, tablets and computers? We know not to panic when kids are busy online, but two to three hours at a time is a bit much. With these tips, though, you can keep kids away from the screen for just under an hour each time.


As long as it stays dry, the playground does appeal to kids. Close to you you often also find a zoo. And why not bring those roller skates, (running) bike or scooter? There's plenty of room to safely let them do their thing.

Read aloud or podcast

Reading aloud is still possible, but choose an exciting story and preferably read aloud after dark. Remember that children can only really listen for 15 minutes. The podcasts on Spotify are especially fun because they include a lot of sound animation. Episodes of 15 to 20 minutes are ideal. It may be on a screen, but it is passive.


Many communities have a library with a reading corner for children. Show them the offerings and let them do some reading while you also read yourself in the neighborhood. However, "forcing" them to read is pointless.

Board games

Choose games that are not too long. For example, Monopoly takes too long and you run the risk of them quitting halfway through the game. For example, choose Cluedo, a card game, Who am I?...

Baking pancakes or cupcakes together

You are sure to score with these! Also let them make the batter, take and weigh the ingredients, etc. If you live close to a store, it's also fun when they get to do the shopping themselves. Feel free to let them add their 'favorite ingredient', like e.g. some pieces of apple, honey, sprinkles ... Time flies by with this activity!


Choose a puzzle with many pieces and leave it in one place so they can continue doing it for 15 minutes each time.


Have children dance to music of their own choosing. Not dance enthusiasts? Then go bowling on a Nintendo Switch game, for example. You are in motion and quickly occupied for half an hour.

Dutch media specialist Justine Pardoen gives advice for screen time with children in Plus magazine:

-children from 8 to 10 years: maximum 1 to one and a half hours per day

-children aged 10 to 12: maximum 2 hours.

It is not a disaster if they spend a little longer on their tablet or smartphone. The important thing, however, is: how are the kids doing offline, in real life? Are they doing well in school? Do they have friends? Hobbies? Prolonged screen use becomes problematic when it is an escape from reality.

(FVDV for Tagtik/Source: Plusmagazine/Illustration picture: Pixabay)

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