

Apayao province named UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines — Apayao province was internationally recognized as a Biosphere Reserve awardee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for its efforts to conserve its forests and environs. The province received the award during the 36th session of UNESCO’s International Coordinating Council of the Man and Biosphere Program on July 5 in Agadir, Morocco. This made the province a protected area...

Who is higher up, a duke or marquis? Learn about the nobility from Bridgerton

More investment for leisure centre is on the table

West Suffolk Council is due to discuss the plans for Bury St Edmunds at a meeting on 16 July.

Ivanka Trump reveals plans to build billion-dollar 'Hobbit homes'

The former First Daughter has given details about her plans to create dinky dwellings carved into cliff tops on Albania's uninhabited Sazan Island in the Mediterranean Sea.

Factbox-What you need to know about Rouen's Gothic cathedral

PARIS (Reuters) - A fire broke out on Thursday in the spire of Rouen's Gothic cathedral where restoration work was underway, recalling a blaze that tore through the roof of the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral in 2019, collapsing its spire. Here are five facts about Rouen's cathedral: * The Notre-Dame de Rouen cathedral is among the best known Gothic edifices in France thanks to a series of

4 ways Americans use credit cards to purchase and plan for the future

Explore the reasons why 82% of US adults use credit cards and how they navigate the potential rewards and risks to their financial health.

Tourists in Canary Islands see boat refugees arrive daily

Are you going on vacation to Gran Canaria, Tenerife or Lanzarote this summer? Then keep in mind that many refugees, mainly from West Africa, are trying to land on the Canary Islands in order to enter Europe. The particularly risky journey by sea in often rickety boats often has disastrous consequences for many of them: almost 5,000 deaths have already occurred along West Africa in the first five months of this year. According to Spain's Interior...