A 91-year-old woman has achieved her lifelong dream of flying in a Spitfire plane.

Doreen Allen, of Kettering, Northamptonshire, first "fell in love" with the "beautiful" aircraft as a child during World War Two when she witnessed a Spitfire in a dogfight "turning on a sixpence."

Ms Allen flew from Headcorn Areodrome in Kent in the skies where the Battle of Britain was fought.

"I promised myself that one day, when I was 90, if I had the money, I would treat myself to a ride in a Spitfire. So I did," she said.

Ms Allen's first flight was postponed for health reasons, and the second because of the weather.

But on the third try, her dream became a reality.

Following the flight, she said: "It was everything I imagined it would be, and more.

"To even see a Spitfire makes me emotional, but to fly in one has been a lifelong dream. The best bit was the take-off; it's my favourite thing when I fly."

She has no plans to slow down her adventuring, and hopes to go up in a hot air balloon with her daughter-in-law.

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