Singapore doesn't pull any punches when it comes to nerve-racking Halloween attractions. This season, the country's largest immersive horror experience and the first-ever horror event hosted fully underground: Underground: The Summoning, which is set in a World War II bunker at Fort Canning.

The 45-minute horror-fantasy adventure is available on selected nights from September 25 to November 3, with multiple sessions starting at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are available through from SG$63, with early bird tickets at 15% off until September 1.


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History of Fort Canning's Battlebox

Nestled beneath the lush greenery of Fort Canning Hill, the 12,000-square-foot Battlebox is a former underground command center that played a crucial role during World War II. It was here that the British made the fateful decision to surrender Singapore to the Japanese on February 15, 1942, marking a significant turning point in the war.

The Battlebox was constructed in the late 1930s as part of a larger effort to fortify Singapore against potential threats. Its strategic location and robust construction made it an ideal command center, capable of withstanding aerial bombardments. The complex consists of 26 rooms, including a telephone exchange, signal rooms, and a cipher room, all designed to support military operations.

During the war, the Battlebox was the nerve center for British and Allied forces. As the Japanese advanced, the atmosphere within the command center grew increasingly tense. The decision to surrender was not made lightly, but it was deemed necessary to prevent further loss of life and destruction. This momentous decision was made within the confines of the Battlebox, forever cementing its place in history.

After the war, the Battlebox fell into disuse and was largely forgotten. It wasn't until the late 1980s that efforts to restore and preserve the site began. The National Museum of Singapore played a key role in these efforts, with Prof. Kwa Chong Guan, the last Director of the old National Museum, initiating the restoration. The Battlebox was finally opened to the public in 1997, offering visitors a glimpse into its storied past.

In recent years, the Battlebox has undergone further restoration to enhance its historical accuracy and educational value. Independent historian Tan Teng Teng, who first presented the recreated historic site to the public in 1997, has returned to lead these efforts.

It was managed by the Singapore History Consultants Pte Ltd (SHC) from 2014 to June 2023, with a relaunch on February 13, 2016, after two years of more restoration and curation. Recently, the historic bunker was once again refurbished, just in time for Underground: The Summoning.

The Story of Underground: The Summoning

"The location of the experience was of paramount importance to us because we wanted a venue that could live up to the realism that we wanted to convey. BattleBox is the perfect stage for us to weave a narrative that leverages the bunker’s historical qualities while evoking pure terror for everyone who walks through our doors looking for a thrill," said Underground: The Summoning writer and director Jonathan Lim.

The interactive experience takes guests in small groups of eight to nine people back to January 1942, amid an impending invasion of Japanese forces. It is the audience members' mission to defeat Bellum, the demon lord of war who was accidentally unleashed by British army officers through an ancient book in a time of desperation. They're given only 45 minutes to collect hidden magical cards, make their way through a maze of multiple rooms and zones in the underground bunker, and decide on every move a la-Choose Your Own Adventure.

"Underground transcends the fleeting jumpscares of conventional horror attractions to deliver a particularly scary and thrilling adventure over a longer duration. Part of what makes it different is our focus on immersion—we want to create an environment where the audience is also able to participate in shaping that adventure for themselves along the way, said Marc Khoo, Executive Producer at Super Productions, which has partnered with Battlebox Singapore and Theatre of Wonder for this attraction.

Underground: The Summoning is open on selected nights from September 25 to November 3 at Fort Canning Bunker, 262 Pasir Panjang Road, Haw Par Villa, Singapore. Tickets, with prices starting at SG$63, are available through

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