Whale shark-watching activities have been suspended in three towns in Bohol after authorities found violations of marine life tourism regulations.
Governor Erico Aristotle Aumentado signed Executive Order (EO) No. 10 on Monday to halt whale shark watching in Lila, Alburquerque, and Dauis towns.
The order came after an inter-agency team found that whale-shark watching activities involve luring the fish by feeding them with krill, a small shrimp-like animal.
The said activity is a violation of the Provincial Ordinance No. 2020-008 and Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1 Series of 2020.
The team reported that krill on the water’s surface caused a foul smell, which raised concerns about its effect on Balicasag and Panglao, one of the province's top tourist destinations.
It also found that the operators lacked permits from essential government agencies, including the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
The EO is effective immediately, but operators are given until Friday to cease operations.
Also known in the Philippines as butanding, the whale shark is the world's largest fish and is an endangered species.
Aumentado said the order aims to preserve Bohol’s natural resources and maintain fairness among municipalities.
He urged the Philippine National Police Maritime Group (PNP MG), Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), DENR, and the Coastal Law Enforcement Council (CLEC) to enforce the order.
Job order workers will be deployed to affected areas to prevent unauthorized activities
The ban on whale-shark interaction will be in effect until regulatory requirements are met and verified by concerned government agencies. — Mariel Celine Serquiña/BM, GMA Integrated News
This article Bohol suspends whale shark interactions in 3 towns was originally published in GMA News Online.